Advisory Council

The work of the Living Wage Foundation is supported by our Advisory Council. 


  • The Advisory Council’s main purpose is to provide independent and external advice to the Living Wage Foundation.  

Areas of responsibility: 

  • The Council meets quarterly to facilitate a vital strategic and co-ordinated approach to the development of the Living Wage, Living Hours, Living Pensions and Global Living Wage accreditations.  


  • Advise on the overall strategy and direction of the Foundation, particularly in matters relating to accreditation of employers; identity and positioning of the Foundation and Living Wage brands; and other questions of strategy and direction that may arise.  
  • Help establish and develop the Foundation’s position within key networks and advocate for the Living Wage.  
  • Advise on resourcing the work of the Foundation and Living Wage campaign.  
  • Act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments.  


  • Members of the Council normally are invited to serve by Director of the Living Wage Foundation in consultation with the Chair of the Council and existing members of the Council. The Chair of the Council is appointed by nomination of the Director of the Living Wage Foundation.

Members of the Advisory Council: 

  • Chair: Jenny Baskerville, Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity: KPMG 
  • Vice Chair: Matt Sparkes, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility: Linklaters 
  • Member: Afzal Rahman, Policy Officer, Trades Union Congress 
  • Member: Antoinette Daniels, Founder, Just Helpers 
  • Member: Claire Sain Ley-Berry, Cynnal Cymru 
  • Member: Cherie MacCarthy, Director of Reward Consulting and Delivery: Aviva  
  • Member: Fraser Burt, Executive Officer: Queen Mary University of London 
  • Member: Hannah Slaughter
  • Member: Harry Thompson, Cynnal Cymru 
  • Member: Jeffrey Bakes, Country Manager UK & IE: Ikea  
  • Member: Jenny Lightfoot, Head of Reward: Nestle 
  • Member: Rt Hon John Battle: CUK Trustee 
  • Member: John Hume, Chief Executive: People’s Health Trust 
  • Member: Klara Skrivankova, Programme Director: Trust for London  
  • Member: Matthew Bolton, Executive Director: CUK 
  • Member: Mubin Haq, Chief Executive, aBrDn Financial Fairness Trust 
  • Member: Peter Kelly, Director: The Poverty Alliance  
  • Member: Dr Silvia Galandini: Oxfam