Living Wage Foundation responds to the Government's Employment Rights Bill

Today the Government announced its Employment Rights bill,  which looks to ban exploitative zero-hours contracts, end fire and rehire, and introduce basic employment rights from day one.

Katherine Chapman, Director of the Living Wage Foundation responds:

"We welcome the steps the government is taking to tackle insecure work in the Employment Rights Bill. We know that providing greater security and predictability of hours benefits workers and has business benefits too. 

Over 180 Living Hours Employers are already going further by not only providing a contract that reflects hours worked, but also ensuring workers have a guaranteed minimum of 16 hours work a week, and a month’s notice of shift patterns.  Workers benefit from the ability to plan their lives and budget, employers benefit from a stable, secure workforce. That’s why our network of Living Hours Employers has continued to grow rapidly in the past year. We now look forward to feeding into the consultations on the Bill.”