The Next Government have the opportunity to address the social care crisis and this starts with the real Living Wage

Katherine Chapman, Director of the Living Wage Foundation, said: “It’s really encouraging to see all parties’ manifestos acknowledging the urgent need to address the social care crisis.  

Despite the demanding nature of care work, social care remains one of the most precarious and poorly paid sectors in the UK. Our recent policy paper, featuring a new analysis from IPPR, found that over 43% of adult social care workers in England are paid below the real Living Wage, rising to 80% in London.  

The next government has a chance to create lasting change in social care by ensuring adequate funding so that all care workers receive at least the real Living Wage. According to IPPR, this policy would cost a modest £330 million, less than 2% of the social care budget for the coming year.  

For too long, care work has been undervalued and underfunded. Decent pay is the vital first step to ending the staffing shortfall and building a sustainable social care system that values its workers. The next government has an opportunity to fund social care properly so that all adult social care workers are paid at least the real Living Wage, including travel time and sleep-in shifts."